Is your organization taking proactive steps to plan for future talent needs?
Are you implementing programs designed to ensure that the right people are available for the right jobs in the right places and at the right times?
Is your succession planning more that an informal, haphazard exercise?
Succession planning and management (SP&M) must support your organization’s strategic plan. It provides the foundation for your management and employee development programs at both the employee and leadership levels. Without it an organization will have difficulty maintaining balanced, aligned leadership and the continuity needed to support future development and change.
SP&M is also designed to assist organizations create an impassioned, involved workforce by providing for the development, replacement, and strategic application of key staff.
“succession planning occurs when an organization adapts specific procedures to insure the identification, development, and long-term retention of talented individuals”
Shari Caudron
“The Looming Leadership Crisis,”
Workforce, September 1999
An effective SP&M program is a systematic and intentional process designed to:
· retain and develop the organization’s workforce,
· ensure leadership continuity, and
· encourage individual advancement.
Succession planning sets forth specific processes to insure the identification, development, and retention of talented individuals. It is designed to match the organization’s present talent to its needed future talent and to address strategic and operational challenges in a sustainable manor.